Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is a global issue and the leading cause of hearing impairment among children. With the support of Rotary Clubs, Rotary International, and "Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen," physicians at the ORL clinic in Luanda are commencing a trial designed to enhance Ear Care at the primary healthcare level.

We are trying to improve treatment methods for chronic suppurative otitis media. 
"From Acute to Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media"
See film supported by Swedish  Rotary Clubs 
 We are striving to improve Ear Care in Angola and  globally supported by Rotary International
2-4 %  of school-children in Angola have chronic ear  disease.

Rotary International and Gyllenstierna Krapperup Foundation have supported Swedish - Angolan collaboration for improved Ear Care 

In 2010, my Rotary Club Falsterbo Vellinge in Sweden supported a collaboration with Dr. Matuba Filipe in Luanda, Angola. After a productive meeting with the minister of health in Angola, we reached a consensus that practical teaching carries more significance than mere academic collaboration. Since then, an additional 36000 USD  has been allocated to Rotarian Collaboration (Matching Grant and GG project).

Research focused on the epidemiology and bacteriology of chronic ear disease commenced in 2014 and has laid the groundwork for the initiative to deploy a specially designed pipette that, combined with an antiseptic solution, will facilitate Ear Care within primary health care settings and at home. The costs associated with the research, which was based on field studies organized by Dr. Matuba Filipe, dra Palmira Kuatoko & collaborators have totaled about 90 000 USD.

"EarClean" -a pipette for Ear Care

ReiBeck Innovation is a Swedish company dedicated to facilitate ear care by providing a specialized pipette designed for the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media ( CSOM) with an antiseptic solution. Supported by Rotary Clubs the method is tested in collaboration with doctors in Luanda, Angola. 

  • Bank Cards A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

    The "EarClean" pipette will be launched to assist healthcare professionals in managing CSOM care and reducing the risks associated with the rise of antibiotic resistance.

Circius Pharma AB, in collaboration with Rotary Clubs from Rotary District 2395, is proud to be a generous sponsor of a pioneering pilot study examining the effectiveness of the pipette EarClean for treating discharging ears (CSOM). This important research is being led by

Dra. Palmira Kuatoko , ORL clinic within Hospital Josina Machel, located in Luanda, Angola.